KVKK Clarification Text

Your personal data, Personal Data Protection No. 6698 Within the framework of the Law, SCP İş Geliştirme Yazılım ve Sistem Çözümleri Anonim Company may be processed by the Company. This Clarification Text, within the scope of the Law for which purposes your personal data is collected by SCP as the controller processing, with whom and for what purposes it may be shared, personal the method and legal reasons for the collection of your data, as well as your other rights set forth in Article 11 of the Law. It aims to inform you about your other rights specified in Article 11 of the Law.

Purpose of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data is protected under Articles 5 and 6 of the Law personal data are processed in accordance with the specified personal data processing conditions. This data, ensuring the legal and commercial security of SCP or its business partners, maintaining commercial activities, managing human resources processes collected and processed for such purposes. Your personal data is processed in accordance with the law in a secure manner by taking precautions against unauthorized processing and access preservation is ensured.

Method of Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data will be protected by SCP, business partners, group companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners with whom we cooperate or solution partners with whom we have a contractual relationship, surveys, websites orally, in writing or electronically through various channels such as collected in accordance with the conditions set forth in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law is being processed.

Sharing of Personal Data

Your personal data, SCP's shareholders, business partners, suppliers, external service providers and legally authorized public institutions and organizations in accordance with the conditions set out in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law may be shared. This sharing may be subject to the legal and commercial rights of SCP or its business partners. security, continuity of commercial activities and human resources limited to purposes such as management of processes. Your personal data necessary security measures are taken in case of sharing.

Measures for the Protection of Personal Data

SCP does not allow unauthorized access to or use of your personal data loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration or destruction SCP takes the necessary technical and administrative measures. SCP, your personal data to keep confidential, to ensure confidentiality and to use all kinds of technical and undertakes to take administrative measures. SCP's necessary information security measures but as a result of attacks on its website or systems damage to your personal data or access to your personal data by third parties SCP shall immediately report this situation to you and the Personal Data Protection Board. will be notified.

Other Regulations Listed in Article 11 of the Law

Your personal data by contacting SCP;

    • Processed and learning that it is not processed, 
    • If processed request information about it,
    • Processing Learning its purpose and whether it is used for its intended purpose,
    • Dormitory third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad don't know,
    • Personal if the data is incomplete or incorrectly processed requesting a correction,
    • The Law Article 7 provides for the erasure or destruction of personal data Don't ask,
    • This one the transactions made in line with the requests, to which personal data are transferred request notification to third parties,
    • Processed analyzing data exclusively through automated systems do not object to a result that goes against you,
    • Law in the event that you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of the damage you have the right to demand redress.

To exercise these rights, you must notify SCP in writing or you can send your application to our address below. Determination of new application methods by the Personal Data Protection Board If so, SCP will announce these methods. Your applications will be sent as soon as possible will be finalized within 30 days at the latest. Applications for the moment free of charge, but the fee schedule of the Personal Data Protection Board in accordance with this tariff, charges may be made in accordance with this tariff.

To exercise your rights under Article 11 of the Law you can always contact us.



Gold N State Plaza, 2673 Cad. No:38/30 Kat 6, Cayyolu, Ankara, Turkey


+90 312 241 96 31

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